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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
485건 중 485건 출력
5/49 페이지 엑셀파일 출력


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
41 저널기사 On the uniqueness of the maximum likelihood estimator 미리보기
Orme, C. D.; Ruud, P. A. ELSEVIER 2002
42 저널기사 Income distribution and macroeconomics: the persistence of inequality in a convex technology framework 미리보기
Moav, O. ELSEVIER 2002
43 저널기사 The virtue of being underestimated: a note on discriminatory contracts in hidden information models 미리보기
Schnedler, W. ELSEVIER 2002
44 저널기사 Testing the long-run structural validity of the monetary exchange rate model 미리보기
Abbott, A.; De Vita, G. ELSEVIER 2002
45 저널기사 A supergame-theoretic model with consumer loyalty 미리보기
Ciarreta, A.; Kuo, C. K. ELSEVIER 2002
46 저널기사 Specific-capital in equilibrium search models 미리보기
Wong, L. ELSEVIER 2002
47 저널기사 Fiscal federalism and interstate risk sharing: empirical evidence from Germany 미리보기
Buettner, T. ELSEVIER 2002
48 저널기사 Measuring the intensity of knowledge flow with patent statistics 미리보기
Fung, M. K.; Chow, W. W. ELSEVIER 2002
49 저널기사 On measuring volatility of diffusion processes with high frequency data 미리보기
Barucci, E.; Reno, R. ELSEVIER 2002
50 저널기사 How `grievous` was the biblical famine? 미리보기
Hamermesh, D. S. ELSEVIER 2002
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