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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
491 저널기사 Stability and limit cycles in competitive equilibria subject to adjustment costs and dynamic spillovers 미리보기
Wirl, F. ELSEVIER 2002
492 저널기사 The stochastic rotation problem: A comment 미리보기
Sodal, S. ELSEVIER 2002
493 저널기사 A note on robustness in Merton's model of intertemporal consumption and portfolio choice 미리보기
Trojani, F. ELSEVIER 2002
494 저널기사 A microsimulation of traders activity in the stock market: the role of heterogeneity, agents' interactions and trade frictions 미리보기
Iori, G. ELSEVIER 2002
495 저널기사 Banks, systematic risk, and industrial concentration: theory and evidence 미리보기
Kildegaard, A.; Williams, P. ELSEVIER 2002
496 저널기사 The effects of information costs on search and convergence in experimental markets 미리보기
Brannon, J. I.; Gorman, M. F. ELSEVIER 2002
497 저널기사 Photo(Williamson) 미리보기
unknown ELSEVIER 2002
498 저널기사 Identifying and measuring public policy goals: ISTEA and the US bus transit industry 미리보기
Nolan, J. F.; Ritchie, P. C.; Rowcroft, J. E. ELSEVIER 2002
499 저널기사 Delegation and firms` ability to collude 미리보기
Lambertini, L.; Trombetta, M. ELSEVIER 2002
500 저널기사 The Dynamics of Keynesian Monetary Growth 미리보기
Keen, S. ELSEVIER 2002
맨앞 이전 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 
