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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Management]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
151 저널기사 The fact and fantasy of organizational culture management: a case study of Greek food retailing 미리보기
Harris, L. C.; Metallinos, G. ELSEVIER SCIENCE 2002
152 저널기사 Having expectations of information systems benefits that match received benefits: does it really matter? 미리보기
Staples, D. S.; Wong, I.; Seddon, P. B. ELSEVIER SCIENCE 2002
153 저널기사 Turnaround strategies of American and Japanese electronics corporations 미리보기
Gowen III, C. R.; Tallon, W. J. ELSEVIER SCIENCE 2002
154 저널기사 Innovation as a determinant of suppliers` roles and performances: an empirical study in the food machinery industry 미리보기
Petroni, A.; Panciroli, B. ELSEVIER SCIENCE 2002
155 저널기사 Measuring supply chain coupling: an information system perspective 미리보기
Barut, M.; Faisst, W.; Kanet, J. J. ELSEVIER SCIENCE 2002
156 저널기사 Purchasing performance evaluation: with data envelopment analysis 미리보기
Easton, L.; Murphy, D. J.; Pearson, J. N. ELSEVIER SCIENCE 2002
157 저널기사 Technology-based competitive strategies 미리보기
Rhyne, L. C.; Teagarden, M. B.; Van den Panhuyzen, W. ELSEVIER SCIENCE 2002
158 저널기사 Do competitive strategies drive R&D? 미리보기
Liao, Z.; Cheung, M. T. ELSEVIER SCIENCE 2002
159 저널기사 The neural firm 미리보기
Foo, C. T.; Lee, T. S. ELSEVIER SCIENCE 2002
160 저널기사 Can Yesterday`s Demand-Side Management Lessons Become Tomorrow`s Market Solutions? 미리보기
Gehring, K. L. ELSEVIER SCIENCE 2002
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