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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
81 저널기사 Behavioral Change in Persons With Dementia: Relationships With Mental and Physical Health of Caregivers 미리보기
Hooker, K.; Bowman, S. R.; Coehlo, D. P.; Lim, S. R.; Kaye, J.; Guariglia, R.; Li, F. Gerontological Society of America 2002
82 저널기사 Longitudinal Selectivity in Aging Populations: Separating Mortality-Associated Versus Experimental Components in the Berlin Aging Study (BASE) 미리보기
Lindenberger, U.; Singer, T.; Baltes, P. B. Gerontological Society of America 2002
83 저널기사 Age Excuses: Conversational Management of Memory Failures in Older Adults 미리보기
Ryan, E. B.; Bieman-Copland, S.; See, S. T. K.; Ellis, C. H.; Anas, A. P. Gerontological Society of America 2002
84 저널기사 Social Participation in Very Old Age: Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Findings From BASE 미리보기
Bukov, A.; Maas, I.; Lampert, T. Gerontological Society of America 2002
85 저널기사 A Comprehensive Strategy for Developing Closed-Ended Survey Items for Use in Studies of Older Adults 미리보기
Krause, N. Gerontological Society of America 2002
86 저널기사 Who Expects to Continue Working After Age 62? The Retirement Plans of Couples 미리보기
Pienta, A. M.; Hayward, M. D. Gerontological Society of America 2002
87 저널기사 Assessment of Patient Preferences: Integrating Treatments and Outcomes 미리보기
Fried, T. R.; Bradley, E. H.; Towle, V. R. Gerontological Society of America 2002
88 저널기사 Informal Caregiving for Diabetes and Diabetic Complications Among Elderly Americans 미리보기
Langa, K. M.; Vijan, S.; Hayward, R. A.; Chernew, M. E.; Blaum, C. S.; Kabeto, M. U.; Weir, D. R.; Katz, S. J.; Willis, R. J.; Fendrick, A. M. Gerontological Society of America 2002
89 저널기사 Anxiety, Cognitive Performance, and Cognitive Decline in Normal Aging 미리보기
Wetherell, J. L.; Reynolds, C. A.; Gatz, M.; Pedersen, N. L. Gerontological Society of America 2002
90 저널기사 Religion, Death of a Loved One, and Hypertension Among Older Adults in Japan 미리보기
Krause, N.; Liang, J.; Shaw, B. A.; Sugisawa, H.; Kim, H.-K.; Sugihara, Y. Gerontological Society of America 2002
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