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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
109건 중 109건 출력
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
71 저널기사 Erratum to "Why does HOV fail? The role of technological differences within the EC" 미리보기
Hakura, D. S. North-Holland 2002
72 저널기사 Intellectual property rights and foreign direct investment 미리보기
Glass, A. J.; Saggi, K. North-Holland 2002
73 저널기사 Coordinating tariff reduction and domestic tax reform 미리보기
Keen, M.; Ligthart, J. E. North-Holland 2002
74 저널기사 Coalition formation in international monetary policy games 미리보기
Kohler, M. North-Holland 2002
75 저널기사 Endogenous trade policy through majority voting: an empirical investigation 미리보기
Dutt, P.; Mitra, D. North-Holland 2002
76 저널기사 The purchasing power parity persistence paradigm 미리보기
Murray, C. J. North-Holland 2002
77 저널기사 On the protection of cultural goods 미리보기
Francois, P.; van Ypersele, T. North-Holland 2002
78 저널기사 Asymmetric shocks among U.S. states 미리보기
Del Negro, M. North-Holland 2002
79 저널기사 Book review 미리보기
unknown North-Holland 2002
80 저널기사 Markets for risk and openness to trade: how are they related? 미리보기
Svaleryd, H.; Vlachos, J. North-Holland 2002
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