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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
31 저널기사 Advancements in cancer therapy with alpha-emitters: a review/ 미리보기
Imam, Seyed K Pergamon Press 2002
32 저널기사 Is the a/b ratio for prostate cancer low?/ 미리보기
D'Souza, Warren D Pergamon Press 2002
33 저널기사 A simple analytic derivation suggests that prostate cancer a/b ratio is low/ 미리보기
King, Christopher R Pergamon Press 2002
34 저널기사 The effect of ionizing radiation on intraocular lenses/ 미리보기
Ellerin, Bruce E Pergamon Press 2002
35 저널기사 Partial tumor boosts: even more attractive than theory predicts?/ 미리보기
Deasy, Joseph O Pergamon Press 2002
36 저널기사 In response to Dr. Vriesendorp/ 미리보기
Glatstein, Eli Pergamon Press 2002
37 저널기사 From Teaching to Practice, via Consultancy, and then to Research? 미리보기
Southern, G. PERGAMON PRESS 2002
38 저널기사 Measuring a Business School`s Reputation 미리보기
Cornelissen, J.; Thorpe, R. PERGAMON PRESS 2002
39 저널기사 An Integrated Framework for Managing Change in the New Competitive Landscape 미리보기
Prastacos, G.; Soderquist, K.; Spanos, Y.; Van Wassenhove, L. PERGAMON PRESS 2002
40 저널기사 Prior Strategy Processes as a Key to Understanding Mega-mergers 미리보기
Schmidt, S.; Ruhli, E. PERGAMON PRESS 2002
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