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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
41 저널기사 Substitution Between Revenue Futures and Price Futures Contracts: A Note 미리보기
Hennessy, D. A. Published by J. Wiley in affiliation with the Center for the Study of Futures Markets, Columbia University 2002
42 저널기사 What to Do if a Dollar Is Not a Dollar? The Impact of Inflation Risk on Production and Risk Management 미리보기
Adam-Muller, A. F. A. Published by J. Wiley in affiliation with the Center for the Study of Futures Markets, Columbia University 2002
43 저널기사 An Intraday Test of Pricing and Arbitrage Opportunities in the New Zealand Bank Bill Futures Market 미리보기
Poskitt, R. Published by J. Wiley in affiliation with the Center for the Study of Futures Markets, Columbia University 2002
44 저널기사 Trading Activity in Stock Index Futures Markets: The Evidence of Emerging Markets 미리보기
Huang, Y. C. Published by J. Wiley in affiliation with the Center for the Study of Futures Markets, Columbia University 2002
45 저널기사 Estimating Implied PDFs From American Options on Futures: A New Semiparametric Approach 미리보기
Flamouris, D. Published by J. Wiley in affiliation with the Center for the Study of Futures Markets, Columbia University 2002
46 저널기사 The Effect of Net Positions by Type of Trader on Volatility in Foreign Currency Futures Markets 미리보기
Wang, C. Published by J. Wiley in affiliation with the Center for the Study of Futures Markets, Columbia University 2002
47 저널기사 The Effect of the Introduction of Cubes on the Nasdaq-100 Index Spot-Futures Pricing Relationship 미리보기
Kurov, A. A.; Lasser, D. J. Published by J. Wiley in affiliation with the Center for the Study of Futures Markets, Columbia University 2002
48 저널기사 The Realized Volatility of FTSE-100 Futures Prices 미리보기
Areal, N. M. P. C.; Taylor, S. J. Published by J. Wiley in affiliation with the Center for the Study of Futures Markets, Columbia University 2002
49 저널기사 The Binomial Black-Scholes Model and the Greeks 미리보기
Chung, S.-L.; Shackleton, M. Published by J. Wiley in affiliation with the Center for the Study of Futures Markets, Columbia University 2002
50 저널기사 Valuation and Hedging of Differential Swaps 미리보기
Chang, C.-C. Published by J. Wiley in affiliation with the Center for the Study of Futures Markets, Columbia University 2002
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