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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
91 저널기사 A Simple and Efficient Method for Estimating the Magnitude and Precision of Welfare Changes: Comment 미리보기
Irvine, I. J.; Sims, W. A. WILEY 2002
92 저널기사 Multi-criteria Decision Support in the Liberalized Energy Market 미리보기
Makkonen, S.; Lahdelma, R.; Asell, A.-M.; Jokinen, A. Wiley 2002
93 저널기사 Intelligent Decision System for Self-Assessment 미리보기
Xu, D.-L.; Yang, J.-B. Wiley 2002
94 저널기사 Evaluation of Water Supply Augmentation and Water Demand Management Options for the City of Cape Town 미리보기
Joubert, A.; Stewart, T. J.; Eberhard, R. Wiley 2002
95 저널기사 A Critical Assessment of Jamaica's National Poverty Eradication Programme 미리보기
Osei, P. D. Wiley 2002
96 저널기사 The New EU ACP Partnership Agreement 미리보기
Dearden, S.;Salama, C. M. Wiley 2002
97 저널기사 Livelihood Asset Status Tracking: An Impact Monitoring Tool? 미리보기
Bond, R.;Mukherjee, N. Wiley 2002
98 저널기사 Rural Livelihoods in Sri Lanka: An Indication of Poverty? 미리보기
Marzano, M. Wiley 2002
99 저널기사 Is there a `Future Positive' for Development Studies? 미리보기
Edwards, M. Wiley 2002
100 저널기사 Multicriteria Approval and SMAA-O in Natural Resources Decision Analysis with both Ordinal and Cardinal Criteria 미리보기
Kangas, J.; Kangas, A. Wiley 2002
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