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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
10,680건 중 500건 출력
13/50 페이지 엑셀파일 출력
2002 삭제


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
121 저널기사 Terry Anderson and Donald Leal - Enviro-Capitalists: Doing Good While Doing Well 미리보기
Fox, G. Canadian Agricultural Economics and Farm Management Society 2002
122 저널기사 J. W. Longworth, C. G. Brown and S. A. Waldron - Beef in China: Agribusiness Opportunities and Challenges 미리보기
Kerr, W. A. Canadian Agricultural Economics and Farm Management Society 2002
123 저널기사 Finance and economics - Auditors - Who fiddled what?/ 미리보기
Economist Newspaper Ltd 2002
124 저널기사 Finance and economics - Economists on film - Keynes the movie?/ 미리보기
Economist Newspaper Ltd 2002
125 저널기사 Finance and economics - International aid - The health of nations/ 미리보기
Economist Newspaper Ltd 2002
126 저널기사 Economic and financial indicators - Statistics on 15 developed countries, plus closer looks at Finland, and pet food/ 미리보기
Economist Newspaper Ltd 2002
127 저널기사 Flexible Functional Form Estimation of Willingness to Pay Using Dichotomous Choice Data 미리보기
Cooper, J. C. ACADEMIC PR 2002
128 저널기사 Economic and financial indicators - Statistics on 15 developed countries, plus closer looks at Finland, and pet food/ 미리보기
Economist Newspaper Ltd 2002
129 저널기사 Finance and economics - Economists on film - Keynes the movie?/ 미리보기
Economist Newspaper Ltd 2002
130 저널기사 Finance and economics - Auditors - Who fiddled what?/ 미리보기
Economist Newspaper Ltd 2002
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