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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal of vocational behavior]
51건 중 51건 출력
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
11 저널기사 Integrating the Life Course and Life-Span: Formulating Research Questions with Dual Points of Entry 미리보기
Shanahan, M. J.; Porfelli, E. ACADEMIC PRESS 2002
12 저널기사 Client Perceptions of and Preferences for University-Based Career Services 미리보기
Shivy, V. A.; Koehly, L. M. ACADEMIC PRESS 2002
13 저널기사 Two Careers, One Employer: Couples Working for the Same Corporation 미리보기
Moen, P.; Sweet, S. ACADEMIC PRESS 2002
14 저널기사 Emotional Labor and Burnout: Comparing Two Perspectives of "People Work" 미리보기
Brotheridge, C. M.; Grandey, A. A. ACADEMIC PRESS 2002
15 저널기사 Transition Discontinuities and the Biographical Shaping of Early Work Careers 미리보기
Heinz, W. R. ACADEMIC PRESS 2002
16 저널기사 Transition from School to Work; Societal Opportunities and Individual Agency 미리보기
Heckhausen, J. Elsevier 2002
17 저널기사 Convergent and Discriminant Validity of Five Interest Inventories 미리보기
Savickas, M. L.; Taber, B. J.; Spokane, A. R. ACADEMIC PRESS 2002
18 저널기사 Variations in Human Capital Investment Activity by Age 미리보기
Simpson, P. A.; Greller, M. M.; Stroh, L. K. ACADEMIC PRESS 2002
19 저널기사 Development Through Work and Play 미리보기
Hartung, P. J. ACADEMIC PRESS 2002
20 저널기사 The Process of Occupational Decision Making: Patterns during the Transition to Adulthood 미리보기
Mortimer, J. T.; Zimmer-Gembeck, M. J.; Holmes, M.; Shanahan, M. J. ACADEMIC PRESS 2002
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