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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
41 저널기사 Coalition formation as a dynamic process 미리보기
Konishi, H.; Ray, D. ACADEMIC PR 2003
42 저널기사 Non-Walrasian equilibria and the law of one price 미리보기
Koutsougeras, L. C. ACADEMIC PR 2003
43 저널기사 Two-period cycles in a three-period overlapping generations model 미리보기
Bhattacharya, J.; Russell, S. ACADEMIC PR 2003
44 저널기사 Large market games with demand uncertainty 미리보기
Peck, J. ACADEMIC PR 2003
45 저널기사 Intermediaries and payments instruments 미리보기
Bullard, J.; Smith, B. D. ACADEMIC PR 2003
46 저널기사 Redistributive effects of minimal equal sacrifice taxation 미리보기
Moyes, P. ACADEMIC PR 2003
47 저널기사 Economies with price-dependent preferences 미리보기
Balasko, Y. ACADEMIC PR 2003
48 저널기사 The intraday liquidity management game 미리보기
Bech, M. L.; Garratt, R. ACADEMIC PR 2003
49 저널기사 Informed trading and the `leakage' of information 미리보기
Goenka, A. ACADEMIC PR 2003
50 저널기사 Cooperation in Stochastic OLG games 미리보기
Messner, M.; Polborn, M. K. ACADEMIC PR 2003
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