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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
61 저널기사 Low frequency noise in GaN/AlGaN heterostructure field effect transistors in non-ohmic region/ 미리보기
Rumyantsev, S. L American Institute of Physics 2003
62 저널기사 Measurement of built-in electrical potential in III-V solar cells by scanning Kelvin probe microscopy/ 미리보기
Jiang, C.-S American Institute of Physics 2003
63 저널기사 Injection of molecules onto hydrogen-terminated Si(100) surfaces via a pulse valve/ 미리보기
Terada, Y American Institute of Physics 2003
64 저널기사 Probe measurements in anisotropic discharges/ 미리보기
Malykov, A American Institute of Physics 2003
65 저널기사 Spectroscopic characterization of 1450 nm semiconductor pump laser structures for Raman amplifiers/ 미리보기
Constant, S. B American Institute of Physics 2003
66 저널기사 Ultraviolet-light-induced near-infrared photorefractivity and two-color holography in highly Mg-doped LiNbO~3/ 미리보기
Zhang, G American Institute of Physics 2003
67 저널기사 Laser-guided, intersecting discharge channels for the final beam transport in heavy-ion fusion/ 미리보기
Niemann, C American Institute of Physics 2003
68 저널기사 Magnetic properties of asymmetric antirectangular Ni~8~0Fe~2~0 arrays/ 미리보기
Wang, C. C American Institute of Physics 2003
69 저널기사 Thickness dependence of magnetization reversal in a soft cylindrical particle/ 미리보기
Grebenshchikov, Y. B American Institute of Physics 2003
70 저널기사 Micro-Raman study of electronic properties of inversion domains in GaN-based lateral polarity heterostructures/ 미리보기
Park, M American Institute of Physics 2003
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