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71 저널기사 Growth diagram and morphologies of AlN thin films grown by molecular beam epitaxy/ 미리보기
Koblmueller, G American Institute of Physics 2003
72 저널기사 Copper in glazes of Renaissance luster pottery: Nanoparticles, ions, and local environment/ 미리보기
Padovani, S American Institute of Physics 2003
73 저널기사 Optical properties of strained antimonide-based heterostructures/ 미리보기
Dinu, M American Institute of Physics 2003
74 저널기사 Silicon nanocrystals and defects produced by silicon and silicon-and-gold implantation in silica/ 미리보기
Barthou, C American Institute of Physics 2003
75 저널기사 Infrared optical absorbance of intersubband transitions in GaN/AlGaN multiple quantum well structures/ 미리보기
Zhou, Q American Institute of Physics 2003
76 저널기사 Noise modeling in HgCdTe heterostructure devices/ 미리보기
Jozwikowski, K American Institute of Physics 2003
77 저널기사 Effect of (1010) crystal orientation on many-body optical gain of wurtzite InGaN/GaN quantum well/ 미리보기
Park, S.-H American Institute of Physics 2003
78 저널기사 Electrical properties of single-wall carbon nanotube and epoxy composites/ 미리보기
Kim, B American Institute of Physics 2003
79 저널기사 Abatement of perfluorinated compounds using microwave plasmas at atmospheric pressure/ 미리보기
Kabouzi, Y American Institute of Physics 2003
80 저널기사 Three-dimensional self-consistent radiation transport model for the fluid simulation of plasma display panel cell/ 미리보기
Kim, H. C American Institute of Physics 2003
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