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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
81 저널기사 Submicron probes for Hall magnetometry over the extended temperature range from helium to room temperature/ 미리보기
Novoselov, K. S American Institute of Physics 2003
82 저널기사 Analysis of dislocation scattering on electron mobility in GaN high electron mobility transistors/ 미리보기
Joshi, R. P American Institute of Physics 2003
83 저널기사 Properties of Tb-doped vacuum-sintered Lu~2O~3 storage phosphor/ 미리보기
Zych, E American Institute of Physics 2003
84 저널기사 Near-infrared photoluminescence in titania: Evidence for phonon-replica effect/ 미리보기
Montoncello, F American Institute of Physics 2003
85 저널기사 Magnetostrictive bending of cantilever beams and plates/ 미리보기
Guerrero, V. H American Institute of Physics 2003
86 저널기사 Heat conduction of a spheroidal inhomogeneity with imperfectly bonded interface/ 미리보기
Duschlbauer, D American Institute of Physics 2003
87 저널기사 Wigner function modeling of quantum well semiconductor lasers using classical electromagnetic field coupling/ 미리보기
Weetman, P American Institute of Physics 2003
88 저널기사 Least action principle for the estimation of the slowness and the attenuation of pseudo surface acoustic waves/ 미리보기
Laude, V American Institute of Physics 2003
89 저널기사 Time-domain simulation of quantum spin/ 미리보기
Sullivan, D. M American Institute of Physics 2003
90 저널기사 Optical studies of strained type II GaAs~0~.~7Sb~0~.~3/GaAs multiple quantum wells/ 미리보기
Chen, T. T American Institute of Physics 2003
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