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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
11 저널기사 Design Consideration of Contact/Near-Contact Sliders Based on a Rough Surface Contact Model/ 미리보기
Iida, K American Society of Mechanical Engineers 2003
12 저널기사 Study of Interfacial Phenomena Affecting Thermosonic Wire Bonding in Microelectronics/ 미리보기
Jeng, Y.-R American Society of Mechanical Engineers 2003
13 저널기사 Inertial Shear Forces and the Use of Centrifuges in Gravity Research. What is the Proper Control?/ 미리보기
van Loon, J. J. W. A American Society of Mechanical Engineers 2003
14 저널기사 Rate-Dependent Transition From Thermal Softening to Hardening in Elastomers/ 미리보기
Chen, Z American Society of Mechanical Engineers 2003
15 저널기사 Altered Mechanical Behavior of Epicardium Due to Isothermal Heating Under Biaxial Isotonic Loads/ 미리보기
Harris, J. L American Society of Mechanical Engineers 2003
16 저널기사 Constraint Forces and the Method of Auxiliary Generalized Speeds/ 미리보기
Djerassi, S American Society of Mechanical Engineers 2003
17 저널기사 Elastic Waves Induced by Surface Heating in a Half-Space/ 미리보기
Blanchard, J. P American Society of Mechanical Engineers 2003
18 저널기사 On the Strain Saturation Conditions for Polycrystalline Ferroelastic Materials/ 미리보기
Landis, C. M American Society of Mechanical Engineers 2003
19 저널기사 Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Vibrational Friction Force Due to Molecular Deformation in Confined Lubricant Film/ 미리보기
Tanaka, K American Society of Mechanical Engineers 2003
20 저널기사 Effect of Lubricant Protein Concentration on the Wear of Ultra-High Molecular Weight Polyethylene Sliding Against a CoCr Counterface/ 미리보기
Saikko, V American Society of Mechanical Engineers 2003
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