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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
411 저널기사 On the Use of Point Source Solutions for Forced Air Cooling of Electronic Components-Part II: Conjugate Forced Convection From a Discrete Rectangular Source on a Thin Conducting Plate/ 미리보기
Ortega, A American Society of Mechanical Engineers 2003
412 저널기사 Annular Bounds for the Roots of Characteristic Equations of Uncertain Discrete Systems/ 미리보기
Sun, Y.-J American Society of Mechanical Engineers 2003
413 저널기사 Constructive Filtering Algorithms for Delayed Systems With Uncertain Statistics/ 미리보기
Ahmedova, N. K American Society of Mechanical Engineers 2003
414 저널기사 Determination of the Local Stress-Strain Response of Foams/ 미리보기
Wierzbicki, T American Society of Mechanical Engineers 2003
415 저널기사 The Micromechanical Environment of Intervertebral Disc Cells Determined by a Finite Deformation, Anisotropic, and Biphasic Finite Element Model/ 미리보기
Baer, A. E American Society of Mechanical Engineers 2003
416 저널기사 Thermal and Mechanical Model for Rigid Cylinder Indenting an Elastic Layer Resting on Rigid Base: Application to Turned Surfaces/ 미리보기
Zhang, Z American Society of Mechanical Engineers 2003
417 저널기사 The Shear Layers of a Two-Dimensional Jet Excited by Flexible Wires/ 미리보기
Yu, M.-h American Society of Mechanical Engineers 2003
418 저널기사 Computational Fluid Dynamics Performance Estimation of Turbo Booster Vacuum Pump 미리보기
Cheng, H.-P American Society of Mechanical Engineers 2003
419 저널기사 Vortex-Induced Characteristics of Two Fixed-Supported Elastic Cylinders/ 미리보기
Wang, Z. J American Society of Mechanical Engineers 2003
420 저널기사 Modeling of Combustion in Gasoline Direct Injection Engines for the Optimization of Engine Management System Through Reduction of Three-Dimensional Models to (n x One-Dimensional) Models/ 미리보기
Emery, P American Society of Mechanical Engineers 2003
맨앞 이전 41 42 43 44 45 
