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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
21 저널기사 Mantle Plumes: Their Identification through Time. Geological Society of America, Special Paper 352 (R. E. Ernst and K. L. Buchan, eds.)/ 미리보기
Wyman, D Economic Geology Pub. Co 2003
22 저널기사 Invisible Gold and Tellurium in Arsenic-Rich Pyrite from the Emperor Gold Deposit, Fiji: Implications for Gold Distribution and Deposition/ 미리보기
Pals, D. W Economic Geology Pub. Co 2003
23 저널기사 Fluid Inclusion of Noble Gas Studies of the Dongping Gold Deposit, Hebei Province, China: A Mantle Connection for Mineralization?/ 미리보기
Mao, J Economic Geology Pub. Co 2003
24 저널기사 Geochemical and Oxygen Isotope Signature of Sea-Floor Alteration Associated with a Polydeformed and Highly Metamorphosed Massive Sulfide Deposit, Ruostesuo, Central Finland/ 미리보기
Roberts, M. D Economic Geology Pub. Co 2003
25 저널기사 A New Fossil Vent Biota in the Ballynoe Barite Deposit, Silvermines, Ireland: Evidence for Intracratonic Sea-Floor Hydrothermal Activity about 352 Ma/ 미리보기
Boyce, A. J Economic Geology Pub. Co 2003
26 저널기사 Stable Isotope Geochemistry of Copper Carbonates at the Northwest Extension Deposit, Morenci District, Arizona: Implications for Conditions of Supergene Oxidation and Related Mineralization/ 미리보기
Melchiorre, E. B Economic Geology Pub. Co 2003
27 저널기사 Native Gold in a Hawaiian Alkalic Magma/ 미리보기
Sisson, T. W Economic Geology Pub. Co 2003
28 저널기사 Source of Iron for Sulfidation and Gold Deposition, Twin Creeks Carlin-Type Deposit, Nevada/ 미리보기
Fortuna, J Economic Geology Pub. Co 2003
29 저널기사 Evaluation of Radioisotope Dating of Carlin-Type Deposits in the Great Basin, Western North America, and Implications for Deposit Genesis/ 미리보기
Arehart, G. B Economic Geology Pub. Co 2003
30 저널기사 The "Calamine" of Southwest Sardinia: Geology, Mineralogy, and Stable Isotope Geochemistry of Supergene Zinc Mineralization/ 미리보기
Boni, M Economic Geology Pub. Co 2003
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