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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
91 저널기사 Fishbone ingestion: two cases of late presentation as pediatric emergencies/ 미리보기
Casadio, G Grune and Stratton 2003
92 저널기사 Transanal endorectal pull-through for Hirschsprung's disease: experience with 68 patients/ 미리보기
Hadidi, A Grune and Stratton 2003
93 저널기사 Fluoroscopy-guided laparoscopy in the management of intraabdominal foreign body/ 미리보기
Ekingen, G Grune and Stratton 2003
94 저널기사 Bloody diarrhea caused by a needle in the pancreatic head/ 미리보기
Rao, S Grune and Stratton 2003
95 저널기사 Continent catheterizable urinary conduit constructed from defunctionalized colon 미리보기
Stuart, A Grune and Stratton 2003
96 저널기사 Small bowel obstruction caused by congenital mesocolic hernia: case report/ 미리보기
Merrot, T Grune and Stratton 2003
97 저널기사 Tissue-engineered stomach: a preliminary report of a versatile in vivo model with therapeutic potential/ 미리보기
Grikscheit, T Grune and Stratton 2003
98 저널기사 Triorchidism and testicular torsion in a child/ 미리보기
de Buys Roessingh, A. S Grune and Stratton 2003
99 저널기사 Serous cystadenoma of the pancreas in a child/ 미리보기
Montero, M Grune and Stratton 2003
100 저널기사 Correspondence/ 미리보기
Sheth, N. P Grune and Stratton 2003
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