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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
31 저널기사 Meso-portal bypass in children with portal vein thrombosis: rapid increase of the intrahepatic portal venous flow after direct portal hepatic reperfusion/ 미리보기
Gehrke, I Grune and Stratton 2003
32 저널기사 Fetal liver magnetic resonance imaging in anterior body wall defects: a study of specimens from the museum of pathology/ 미리보기
Pumberger, W Grune and Stratton 2003
33 저널기사 A child with adrenocortical carcinoma who underwent percutaneous ethanol injection therapy for liver metastasis/ 미리보기
Hara, F Grune and Stratton 2003
34 저널기사 Low-fat diet impairs postresection intestinal adaptation in a rat model of short bowel syndrome/ 미리보기
Sukhotnik, I Grune and Stratton 2003
35 저널기사 Esophageal atresia and tracheo-esophageal fistula in a patient with digeorge syndrome/ 미리보기
Kilic, S. S Grune and Stratton 2003
36 저널기사 Lower prevalence of IL-4 receptor a-chain gene 1902G variant in very-low-birth-weight infants with necrotizing enterocolitis/ 미리보기
Treszl, A Grune and Stratton 2003
37 저널기사 Swenson revisited: a one-stage, transanal pull-through procedure for Hirschsprung's disease/ 미리보기
Weidner, B. C Grune and Stratton 2003
38 저널기사 Treatment of Crigler-Najjar type 1 disease: relevance of early liver transplantation/ 미리보기
Schauer, R Grune and Stratton 2003
39 저널기사 Clinical management and molecular cytogenetic characterization in a 45,X/46,X,idic(Yp) patient with severe hypospadia/ 미리보기
Marrocco, G Grune and Stratton 2003
40 저널기사 Congenital adrenal hyperplasia: surgical considerations required to repair a 46,XX patient raised as a boy/ 미리보기
Dasgupta, R Grune and Stratton 2003
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