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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
69건 중 69건 출력
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
21 저널기사 Paid advert. Princeton Univ. Press. Financial crisis, mono/ 미리보기
North-Holland 2003
22 저널기사 Networks and Markets,/ 미리보기
Kortum, S North-Holland 2003
23 저널기사 Closing small open economy models/ 미리보기
Schmitt-Grohe, S North-Holland 2003
24 저널기사 ADVERT - HIE/ 미리보기
North-Holland 2003
25 저널기사 Investment liberalization and international trade/ 미리보기
Amiti, M North-Holland 2003
26 저널기사 Macroeconomic factors and antidumping filings: evidence from four countries/ 미리보기
Knetter, M. M North-Holland 2003
27 저널기사 Firms' export decisions-fixed trade costs and the size of the export market/ 미리보기
Medin, H North-Holland 2003
28 저널기사 The complex integration strategies of multinationals and cross country dependencies in the structure of foreign direct investment/ 미리보기
Yeaple, S. R North-Holland 2003
29 저널기사 Monetary policy, foreign exchange intervention, and the exchange rate in a unifying framework/ 미리보기
Kim, S North-Holland 2003
30 저널기사 Real effective exchange rate and the constant elasticity of substitution assumption/ 미리보기
Spilimbergo, A North-Holland 2003
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