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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
31 저널기사 Nak1, an Essential Germinal Center (GC) Kinase Regulates Cell Morphology and Growth in Schizosaccharomyces pombe 미리보기
Huang, T. Y.; Markley, N. A.; Young, D. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2003
32 저널기사 Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-dependent Down-regulation of Flk-1/KDR Involves Cbl-mediated Ubiquitination. CONSEQUENCES ON NITRIC OXIDE PRODUCTION FROM ENDOTHELIAL CELLS 미리보기
Duval, M.; Bedard-Goulet, S.; Delisle, C.; Gratton, J.-P. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2003
33 저널기사 Both Acidic and Basic Amino Acids in an Amphitropic Enzyme, CTP:Phosphocholine Cytidylyltransferase, Dictate Its Selectivity for Anionic Membranes 미리보기
Johnson, J. E.; Xie, M.; Singh, L. M. R.; Edge, R.; Cornell, R. B. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2003
34 저널기사 Characteristics of the Interaction of a Synthetic Human Tristetraprolin Tandem Zinc Finger Peptide with AU-rich Element-containing RNA Substrates 미리보기
Blackshear, P. J.; Lai, W. S.; Kennington, E. A.; Brewer, G.; Wilson, G. M.; Guan, X.; Zhou, P. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2003
35 저널기사 Identification of a Lactoferrin-derived Peptide Possessing Binding Activity to Hepatitis C Virus E2 Envelope Protein 미리보기
Nozaki, A.; Ikeda, M.; Naganuma, A.; Nakamura, T.; Inudoh, M.; Tanaka, K.; Kato, N. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2003
36 저널기사 Congo Red Populates Partially Unfolded States of an Amyloidogenic Protein to Enhance Aggregation and Amyloid Fibril Formation 미리보기
Kim, Y.-S.; Randolph, T. W.; Manning, M. C.; Stevens, F. J.; Carpenter, J. F. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2003
37 저널기사 Hypoxic Remodeling of Ca^2^+ Stores in Type I Cortical Astrocytes 미리보기
Smith, I. F.; Boyle, J. P.; Plant, L. D.; Pearson, H. A.; Peers, C. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2003
38 저널기사 Mutational Analyses of the p35-Caspase Interaction. A BOWSTRING KINETIC MODEL OF CASPASE INHIBITION BY p35 미리보기
Xu, G.; Rich, R. L.; Steegborn, C.; Min, T.; Huang, Y.; Myszka, D. G.; Wu, H. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2003
39 저널기사 Rapid Induction of Cell Death by Selenium-compromised Thioredoxin Reductase 1 but Not by the Fully Active Enzyme Containing Selenocysteine 미리보기
Anestal, K.; Arner, E. S. J. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2003
40 저널기사 Low Resolution Structure Determination Shows Procollagen C-Proteinase Enhancer to be an Elongated Multidomain Glycoprotein 미리보기
Bernocco, S.; Steiglitz, B. M.; Svergun, D. I.; Petoukhov, M. V.; Ruggiero, F.; Ricard-Blum, S.; Ebel, C.; Geourjon, C.; Deleage, G.; Font, B. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2003
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