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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
40,435건 중 500건 출력
21/50 페이지 엑셀파일 출력
2003 삭제


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
201 저널기사 Research; development - Synthesis of CAD/CAM, robotics and biomaterial implant fabrication: Single-step reconstruction in computer aided frontotemporal bone resection/ 미리보기
Weihe, S Munksgaard 2003
202 저널기사 Aesthetic and reconstructive surgery - Evaluation of the neurosensory deficiencies of oral and maxillofacial region following surgery/ 미리보기
Akal, � K Munksgaard 2003
203 저널기사 Aesthetic and reconstructive surgery - Reconstruction of the orbital walls in surgery of the skull base for benign neoplasms/ 미리보기
Brusati, R Munksgaard 2003
204 저널기사 Research; development - Interaction of strain and interleukin-I in articular cartilage: Effects on proteoglycan synthesis in chondrocytes/ 미리보기
Gassner, R J Munksgaard 2003
205 저널기사 Trauma; oral surgery; implantology - The microflora associated with extra-oral endosseous craniofacial implants: A cross-sectional study/ 미리보기
Abu-Serriah, M M Munksgaard 2003
206 저널기사 Aesthetic and reconstructive surgery - MRI and arthroscopic findings in the temporomandibular joint after mandibulectomy including the unilateral condyle. Report of two cases/ 미리보기
Hamada, Y Munksgaard 2003
207 저널기사 Re: Simplified Method of Implanting Neuromodulator Device/ 미리보기
Chai, T. C American Urological Association Inc 2003
208 저널기사 Story Understanding and Counterfactual Reasoning/ 미리보기
Trabasso, T American Psychological Association 2003
209 저널기사 First separation and characterization of cis and trans 1,2-bisaryloxy perfluorocyclobutanes/ 미리보기
Clark Ligon Jr, S Elsevier] 2003
210 저널기사 Tests of Unbonded Seven-Wire Tendon with Broken Outer Wires/ 미리보기
MacDougall, C American Concrete Institute 2003
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