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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
11 저널기사 Images of Abuse: A Review of the Evidence on Child Pornography, Emma Renold and Susan J. Creighton with Chris Atkinson and John Carr, London, NSPCC, 2003, pp. 77, ISBN 1 84228 030 9, 7.50 미리보기
Major, E. British Association of Social Workers 2004
12 저널기사 Youth Justice: Ideas, Policy and Practice, Roger Smith, Cullompton, Willan Publishing, 2003, pp. 234, ISBN 1 84392 021 2, 17.99 미리보기
Axford, N. British Association of Social Workers 2004
13 저널기사 A Decade after Orkney: Towards a Practice Model for Social Work in the Remoter Areas of Scotland 미리보기
Turbett, C. British Association of Social Workers 2004
14 저널기사 The Trans-Theoretical Model of Change: A Reliable Blueprint for Assessment in Work with Children and Families? 미리보기
Corden, J.; Somerton, J. British Association of Social Workers 2004
15 저널기사 Postmodern Interviewing, G. F. Jaber and J. A. Holstein (eds), Thousand Oaks, CA, Sage Publications, 2003, pp. 287, ISBN 0 7619 2850 2, 29.00 미리보기
Desai, S. British Association of Social Workers 2004
16 저널기사 Searching Questions: Identity, Origins and Adoption, Julia Feast and Terry Philpot, London, British Association for Adoption & Fostering, 2003, pp. vii+100, ISBN 1 903699 47 9, 15.95 미리보기
Jacobs, D. C. British Association of Social Workers 2004
17 저널기사 Editorial 미리보기
unknown British Association of Social Workers 2004
18 저널기사 Religion and Spirituality in Social Work Education and Direct Practice at the Millennium: A Survey of UK Social Workers 미리보기
Furman, L. D.; Benson, P. W.; Grimwood, C.; Canda, E. British Association of Social Workers 2004
19 저널기사 The Impact of Criminal Conviction Disclosure on the Self-reported Offending Profile of Social Work Students 미리보기
Perry, R. W. British Association of Social Workers 2004
20 저널기사 Editorial 미리보기
unknown British Association of Social Workers 2004
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