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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
21 저널기사 Effect of information about benefits of biotechnology on consumer acceptance of genetically modified food: evidence from experimental auctions in the United States, England, and France 미리보기
Traill, W. B. Mouton 2004
22 저널기사 Regional social accounting matrices for structural policy analysis in lagging EU 미리보기
Daouli, A. Mouton 2004
23 저널기사 Agricultural price volatility spill-over effects: a comment 미리보기
Kostov, P. Mouton 2004
24 저널기사 I. G. Malkina-Pykh and Y. A. Pykh. Sustainable Food and Agriculture. WIT Press, Southampton, Boston, 2003. ISBN: 1-85312-937-2, 366 pp., Price: 118/192.05 (hardback). 미리보기
Haering, A. M. Mouton 2004
25 저널기사 A microeconometric analysis of credit rationing in the Polish farm sector 미리보기
Petrick, M. Mouton 2004
26 저널기사 W. S. Chern and K. Rickertsen (eds). Health, Nutrition and Food Demand. CABI Publishing, Wallingford, 2003. ISBN: 0-85199-647-7, 320 pp., Price: 55 (hardback) 미리보기
Verbeke, W. Mouton 2004
27 저널기사 Agricultural price volatility spill-over effects: reply 미리보기
Apergis, N. Mouton 2004
28 저널기사 K. Verdery The Vanishing Hectare: Property and Value in Postsocialist Transylvania Cornell University Press, Ithaca and London, 2004. 0-8014-8869-9, 426 pp., Price: 15.95 미리보기
Sabates-Wheeler, R. Mouton 2004
29 저널기사 Trade exposure and income volatility in cash-crop exporting developing countries 미리보기
Bourguignon, F. Mouton 2004
30 저널기사 K. D. Olson. Farm Management: Principles and Strategies. Iowa State Press, Ames, IA, 2004. ISBN: 0-8138-0418-3, 416 pp., Price: 55 (hardcover) 미리보기
Mathijs, E. Mouton 2004
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