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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
117건 중 117건 출력
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
91 저널기사 Lending booms, sharp reversals and real exchange rate dynamics/ 미리보기
Gopinath, G North-Holland 2004
92 저널기사 Convergence behavior of an iterative reweighting algorithm to compute multivariate M-estimates for location and scatter/ 미리보기
Arslan, O. North-Holland 2004
93 저널기사 Bayesian estimation for the M/G/1 queue using a phase-type approximation 미리보기
Wiper, M. P.; Ausin, M. C. Lillo, R. E. North-Holland 2004
94 저널기사 Tariffs and the most favored nation clause 미리보기
Saggi, K. North-Holland 2004
95 저널기사 Trade liberalization and strategic outsourcing 미리보기
Chen, Y.; Ishikawa, J.; Yu, Z. North-Holland 2004
96 저널기사 Local protectionism and regional specialization: evidence from China's industries 미리보기
Bai, C. E.; Du, Y.; Tao, Z.; Tong, S. Y. North-Holland 2004
97 저널기사 Are regional trading arrangements trade creating? 미리보기
Ghosh, S.; Yamarik, S. North-Holland 2004
98 저널기사 Managerial incentives and the international organization of production 미리보기
Grossman, G. M.; Helpman, E. North-Holland 2004
99 저널기사 Savings and the terms of trade under borrowing constraints 미리보기
Agenor, P. R.; Aizenman, J. North-Holland 2004
100 저널기사 Announcement-Inequality 미리보기
unknown North-Holland 2004
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