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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
11 저널기사 Intra-national versus international trade in the European Union: why do national borders matter? 미리보기
Chen, N. North-Holland 2004
12 저널기사 Optimal monetary policy in a currency area 미리보기
Benigno, P. North-Holland 2004
13 저널기사 Airbus versus Boeing revisited: international competition in the aircraft market 미리보기
Irwin, D. A.; Pavcnik, N. North-Holland 2004
14 저널기사 Endogenous exchange rate pass-through when nominal prices are set in advance 미리보기
Devereux, M. B.; Engel, C.; Storgaard, P. E. North-Holland 2004
15 저널기사 How good are trade and telephone call traffic in bridging income gaps and TFP gaps? 미리보기
Wong, W. K. North-Holland 2004
16 저널기사 Sectoral adjustment costs and real exchange rate dynamics in a two-sector dependent economy 미리보기
Mahbub Morshed, A. K.; Turnovsky, S. J. North-Holland 2004
17 저널기사 The Asian flu and Russian virus: the international transmission of crises in firm-level data 미리보기
Forbes, K. J. North-Holland 2004
18 저널기사 Does lumpiness matter in an open economy? 미리보기
Debaere, P. North-Holland 2004
19 저널기사 Semi-parametric predictions of the intertemporal approach to the current account 미리보기
Letendre, M. A. North-Holland 2004
20 저널기사 The export technology content, learning by doing and specialization in foreign trade 미리보기
An, G.; Iyigun, M. F. North-Holland 2004
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