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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
47건 중 47건 출력
5/5 페이지 엑셀파일 출력


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
41 저널기사 Multilateral trade negotiations, bilateral opportunism and the rules of GATT/WTO 미리보기
Bagwell, K.; Staiger, R. W. North-Holland 2004
42 저널기사 Terms of trade and exchange rate regimes in developing countries 미리보기
Broda, C. North-Holland 2004
43 저널기사 Market imperfections and the instability of open economies 미리보기
Meng, Q.; Velasco, A. North-Holland 2004
44 저널기사 Currency competition in a fundamental model of money 미리보기
Camera, G.; Craig, B.; Waller, C. J. North-Holland 2004
45 저널기사 Financial super-markets: size matters for asset trade 미리보기
Martin, P.; Rey, H. North-Holland 2004
46 저널기사 Endogenous market structures and the gains from foreign direct investment 미리보기
De Santis, R. A.; Stahler, F. North-Holland 2004
47 저널기사 Exchange rate puzzles and distorted beliefs 미리보기
Gourinchas, P. O.; Tornell, A. North-Holland 2004
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