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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
51 저널기사 The Impact of Different Family Configurations on Delinquency 미리보기
Haas, H.; Farrington, D. P.; Killias, M.; Sattar, G. Oxford University Press 2004
52 저널기사 Investigating Murder: Detective Work and the Police Response to Criminal Homicide. By Martin Innes (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003, 311pp+Index. 50.00) 미리보기
Waddington, P. A. Oxford University Press 2004
53 저널기사 Prisongate: The Shocking State of Britains Prisons and the Need for Visionary Change. By David Ramsbotham (London: Free Press, 2003, 367pp. 20 hb) 미리보기
Carlen, P. Oxford University Press 2004
54 저널기사 Bouncers: Violence and Governance in the Night-Time Economy. By Dick Hobbs, Philip Hadfield, Stuart Lister and Simon Winlow (Clarendon Studies in Criminology, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003, pp.323. 35.00) 미리보기
Waddington, P. A. Oxford University Press 2004
55 저널기사 Burglary Victimization in England and Wales, the United States and the Netherlands 미리보기
Tseloni, A.; Wittebrood, K.; Farrell, G.; Pease, K. Oxford University Press 2004
56 저널기사 Policing and the Media: Facts, Fictions and Factions. By Frank Leishman and Paul Mason (Cullompton: Willan, 2003, 168 pp. 16.99 pb, 40.00 hb) 미리보기
Greer, C. Oxford University Press 2004
57 저널기사 Loneliness and Cellular Confinement in English Prisons 1878-1921 미리보기
Forsythe, B. Oxford University Press 2004
58 저널기사 Confronting Crime: Crime Control Policy Under New Labour. Edited By Michael Tonry (Cullompton: Willan, 2003, 251pp. 30.00 hb) 미리보기
Cape, E. Oxford University Press 2004
59 저널기사 Crime, Truth and Justice. Official Inquiry, Discourse and Knowledge. Edited By George Gilligan and John Pratt (Cullompton: Willan, 2004, 285pp. 35.00 hb) 미리보기
Ryan, M. Oxford University Press 2004
60 저널기사 The Origins of the Adversary Criminal Trial. By John H. Langbein (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003, xxii and 354 pp. 30.00 hb) 미리보기
Jackson, J. Oxford University Press 2004
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