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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
101 저널기사 Databases: Is Sui Generis a Stronger Bet Than Copyright? 미리보기
Deveci, H. Oxford University Press 2004
102 저널기사 The `Green Guarantee' in the EC Treaty: Two Recent Cases 미리보기
Lovat, C. Oxford University Press 2004
103 저널기사 Night Flights and Strasbourg's Retreat from Environmental Human Rights 미리보기
Lovat, C. Oxford University Press 2004
104 저널기사 Megamall on the Hudson: Planning, Wal-Mart, and Grassroots Resistance 미리보기
Morrow, K. Oxford University Press 2004
105 저널기사 The Principles of Sustainability 미리보기
French, D. Oxford University Press 2004
106 저널기사 Integration of Environmental Protection into Other EC Policies 미리보기
Humphreys, M. Oxford University Press 2004
107 저널기사 Significant Environmental Cases 2003 미리보기
Edwards, V. Oxford University Press 2004
108 저널기사 Defining Recycling 미리보기
Lovat, C. Oxford University Press 2004
109 저널기사 Journal of Environmental Law 미리보기
Calster, G. v. Oxford University Press 2004
110 저널기사 Editors Foreword 미리보기
Macrory, R. Oxford University Press 2004
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