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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
262건 중 262건 출력
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
21 저널기사 The "Law of One Price" in 1901 미리보기
Eckard, E. W. Oxford University Press 2004
22 저널기사 The Demand for Credit Cards: Evidence from the Survey of Consumer Finances 미리보기
Castronova, E.; Hagstrom, P. Oxford University Press 2004
23 저널기사 International and Intersectoral R&D Spillovers in the OECD and East Asian Economies 미리보기
Park, J. Oxford University Press 2004
24 저널기사 Price Competition in Pharmaceuticals: The Case of Anti-infectives 미리보기
Wiggins, S. N.; Maness, R. Oxford University Press 2004
25 저널기사 Mutual Raiding of Production and the Emergence of Exchange 미리보기
Hausken, K. Oxford University Press 2004
26 저널기사 Financial Variables and the Simulated Out-of-Sample Forecastability of U.S. Output Growth Since 1985: An Encompassing Approach 미리보기
Rapach, D. E.; Weber, C. E. Oxford University Press 2004
27 저널기사 Are Branch Banks Better Survivors? Evidence from the Depression Era 미리보기
Carlson, M. Oxford University Press 2004
28 저널기사 Are Political Freedoms Converging? 미리보기
Nieswiadomy, M. L.; Strazicich, M. C. Oxford University Press 2004
29 저널기사 Trade and Wage Inequality in Developing Countries 미리보기
Marjit, S.; Beladi, H.; Chakrabarti, A. Oxford University Press 2004
30 저널기사 Impacts of Long-Range Increases in the Fuel Economy (CAFE) Standard 미리보기
Kleit, A. N. Oxford University Press 2004
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