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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
35건 중 35건 출력
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2004 삭제
법학도서관 삭제
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1 연속간행물 법경제학연구 미리보기
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한국법경제학회 [편] 한국법경제학회 2004-
2 연속간행물 Law practice 미리보기
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American Bar Association Section of Law Practice Management ABA, Law Practice Management Section 2004-
3 단행본 Economic laws on foreign investment in Korea 미리보기
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한국 법제처 Ministry of Government Legislation 2004
4 학위논문 經濟犯罪에 관한 硏究=(The) study on the economic crimes 미리보기
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盧漢昌 忠南大學校 特許法務大學院 2004 원문
5 단행본 The law and economics of child support payments 미리보기
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edited by William S. Comanor Edward Elgar 2004
6 단행본 Copyright, limitations and the three-step test:an analysis of the three-step test in international and EC copyright law 미리보기
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by Martin Senftleben Kluwer Law International 2004
7 단행본 Contextualising the international covenant on economic, social and cultural rights:assessing the economic deficit 미리보기
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Mary Dowell-Jones Martinus Nijhoff Publishers 2004
8 단행본 Pure economic loss 미리보기
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Willem H. van Boom, Helmut Koziol, Christian A. Witting (eds.) ; with contributions by Laurent Bloch ... [et al.] Springer 2004
9 단행본 Convergence and persistence in corporate governance 미리보기
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edited by Jeffrey N. Gordon and Mark J. Roe Cambridge University Press 2004
10 단행본 Antitrust law and economics in a nutshell 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
by Ernest Gellhorn, William E. Kovacic, Stephen Calkins Thomson/West 2004
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