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2004 삭제


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
171 저널기사 Job search and the theory of planned behavior: Minority-majority group differences in The Netherlands 미리보기
van Hooft, E. A.; Born, M. P.; Taris, T. W.; van der Flier, H. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam 2004
172 저널기사 The effect of career interventions designed to increase self-knowledge on the self-concepts of adolescents 미리보기
Portnoi, L.; Guichard, J.; Lallemand, N. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam 2004
173 저널기사 Influence of shaped injection holes on turbine blade leading edge film cooling/ 미리보기
Kim, Y. J Pergamon Press 2004
174 저널기사 Choice of Law in the American Courts in 2003: Seventeenth Annual Survey 미리보기
Symeonides, S. C. American Association for the Comparative Study of Law] 2004
175 저널기사 Comparative Law as Comparative Jurisprudence-The Comparability of Legal Systems 미리보기
Valcke, C. American Association for the Comparative Study of Law] 2004
176 저널기사 The Sharia Court of Appeal in Northern Nigeria: The Continuing Crises of Jurisdiction 미리보기
Oba, A. A. American Association for the Comparative Study of Law] 2004
177 저널기사 A Garapon & I. Papadopoulos: Juger en Amerique et en France 미리보기
Kessler, A. D. American Association for the Comparative Study of Law] 2004
178 저널기사 Concerns and Ideas About the Developing English Law of Privacy (And How Knowledge of Foreign Law Might Be of Help 미리보기
Markesinis, B.; O Cinneide, C.; Fedtke, J.; Hunter-Henin, M. American Association for the Comparative Study of Law] 2004
179 저널기사 Impossibility and Changed and Unforeseen Circumstances 미리보기
Gordley, J. American Association for the Comparative Study of Law] 2004
180 저널기사 International Constitutional Law and Anti-Corruption Measures in the European Union's Accession Negotiations: Romania in Comparative Perspective 미리보기
Schroth, P. W.; Bostan, A. D. American Association for the Comparative Study of Law] 2004
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