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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
31 저널기사 Pricing of Seasoned Equity Offers and Earnings Management 미리보기
Kim, Y.; Park, M. S. University of Washington Graduate School of Business Administration and the Western Finance Association, 2005
32 저널기사 Survival, Look-Ahead Bias, and Persistence in Hedge Fund Performance 미리보기
Baquero, G.; Horst, J. t.; Verbeek, M. University of Washington Graduate School of Business Administration and the Western Finance Association, 2005
33 저널기사 Big Fish in Small Ponds: The Trading Behavior and Price Impact of Foreign Investors in Asian Emerging Equity Markets 미리보기
Richards, A. University of Washington Graduate School of Business Administration and the Western Finance Association, 2005
34 저널기사 Term Structure Forecasts of Long-Term Consumption Growth 미리보기
Berardi, A.; Torous, W. University of Washington Graduate School of Business Administration and the Western Finance Association, 2005
35 저널기사 Ownership Structure and Firm Value in China's Privatized Firms: 1991-2001 미리보기
Wei, Z.; Xie, F.; Zhang, S. University of Washington Graduate School of Business Administration and the Western Finance Association, 2005
36 저널기사 Correlated Order Flow: Pervasiveness, Sources, and Pricing Effects 미리보기
Harford, J.; Kaul, A. University of Washington Graduate School of Business Administration and the Western Finance Association, 2005
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