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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
26건 중 26건 출력
3/3 페이지 엑셀파일 출력


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
21 저널기사 Moment approximation for least-squares estimators in dynamic regression models with a unit root 미리보기
Kiviet, J. F.; Phillips, G. D. Blackwell Publishers: The Royal Economic Society 2005
22 저널기사 Non-linear GARCH models for highly persistent volatility 미리보기
Lanne, M.; Saikkonen, P. Blackwell Publishers: The Royal Economic Society 2005
23 저널기사 Robust modelling of DTARCH models 미리보기
Van Hui, Y.; Jiang, J. Blackwell Publishers: The Royal Economic Society 2005
24 저널기사 Functional-coefficient models under unit root behaviour 미리보기
Juhl, T. Blackwell Publishers: The Royal Economic Society 2005
25 저널기사 Partially adaptive estimation via the maximum entropy densities 미리보기
Wu, X.; Stengos, T. Blackwell Publishers: The Royal Economic Society 2005
26 저널기사 Estimation of the mean of a univariate normal distribution when the variance is not known 미리보기
Danilov, D. Blackwell Publishers: The Royal Economic Society 2005
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