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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
51 저널기사 Mozambique: the costs of `owning' aid 미리보기
Batley, R. JOHN WILEY & SONS 2005
52 저널기사 Metropolitan governance reform in Asia 미리보기
Laquian, A. A. JOHN WILEY & SONS 2005
53 저널기사 Local government and the governance of metropolitan areas in Latin America 미리보기
Rodriguez-Acosta, C. A.; Rosenbaum, A. JOHN WILEY & SONS 2005
54 저널기사 The governance of metropolitan areas in Canada 미리보기
Sancton, A. JOHN WILEY & SONS 2005
55 저널기사 Brazilian metropolitan regions: regime change and governance vacuum 미리보기
Souza, C. JOHN WILEY & SONS 2005
56 저널기사 Bangladesh: partnership or posture in aid for development 미리보기
Green, L.; Curtis, D. JOHN WILEY & SONS 2005
57 저널기사 Aid disbursement delays: measures, causes, solutions 미리보기
Leurs, R. JOHN WILEY & SONS 2005
58 저널기사 E-government in China 미리보기
Holliday, I.; Yep, R. JOHN WILEY & SONS 2005
59 저널기사 Metropolitan governance and urban poverty 미리보기
Devas, N. JOHN WILEY & SONS 2005
60 저널기사 Benchmarking tax systems 미리보기
Gallagher, M. JOHN WILEY & SONS 2005
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