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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
61 저널기사 Metropolitan restructuring (and more restructuring) in South Africa 미리보기
Cameron, R. JOHN WILEY & SONS 2005
62 저널기사 Critical success factors for modernising public financial management information systems in Bosnia and Herzegovina 미리보기
Vickland, S.; Nieuwenhuijs, I. JOHN WILEY & SONS 2005
63 저널기사 Caribbean electricity restructuring: an assessment 미리보기
Brewster, A. JOHN WILEY & SONS 2005
64 저널기사 Livelihood strategies and performance of Ghana's health and education sectors: exploring the connections 미리보기
Owusu, F. JOHN WILEY & SONS 2005
65 저널기사 Performance measures in tax administration: Chile as a case study 미리보기
Serra, P. JOHN WILEY & SONS 2005
66 저널기사 Money for our people? decentralisation and corruption in Romania: the cases of the equalisation, infrastructure and pre-university education funds 미리보기
Ionita, S. JOHN WILEY & SONS 2005
67 저널기사 Obligatory functions and minimum service standards for Indonesian regional government: searching for a model 미리보기
Ferrazzi, G. JOHN WILEY & SONS 2005
68 저널기사 Institutional design and organisation of the civil protection national system in Mexico: the case for a decentralised and participative policy network 미리보기
Arellano-Gault, D.; Vera-Cortes, G. JOHN WILEY & SONS 2005
69 저널기사 Decentralization, democracy and development in a post-conflict society: commune councils in Cambodia 미리보기
Blunt, P.; Turner, M. JOHN WILEY & SONS 2005
70 저널기사 Democratic governance in Iraq? Progress and peril in reforming state-society relations 미리보기
Brinkerhoff, D. W.; Mayfield, J. B. JOHN WILEY & SONS 2005
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