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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
31 저널기사 The Links between Heroin, Crack Cocaine and Crime 미리보기
Allen, C. Oxford University Press 2005
32 저널기사 Juror Stereotypes and Blame Attribution in Rape Cases Involving Intoxicants 미리보기
Finch, E.; Munro, V. E. Oxford University Press 2005
33 저널기사 The Use of `Shame' with Sexual Offenders 미리보기
McAlinden, A. M. Oxford University Press 2005
34 저널기사 Street Crime. By Simon Hallsworth (Cullompton: Willan, 2005, 224pp. 17.99 pb) 미리보기
Karn, J. Oxford University Press 2005
35 저널기사 Forensic Psychology: Concepts, Debates and Practice. Edited by Joanna R. Adler (Cullompton: Willan, 2004, 333pp. 18.99 pb) 미리보기
Rumgay, J. Oxford University Press 2005
36 저널기사 Lethal Violence in Ireland, 1841 to 2003 미리보기
O'Donnell, I. Oxford University Press 2005
37 저널기사 State Crime in the Heart of Darkness 미리보기
Ward, T. Oxford University Press 2005
38 저널기사 City Limits: Crime, Consumer Culture and the Urban Experience. By Keith Hayward (London: Glasshouse Press, 2004, 290pp. 28.00 pb) 미리보기
Karn, J. Oxford University Press 2005
39 저널기사 Introduction 미리보기
Green, P.; Ward, T. Oxford University Press 2005
40 저널기사 Disaster by Design 미리보기
Green, P. Oxford University Press 2005
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