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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
101 저널기사 Contractual Disputes and the Channels for Interfirm Communication 미리보기
Pyle, W. Oxford University Press 2005
102 저널기사 Adverse Selection, Political Parties, and Policy Delegation in the American Federal System 미리보기
Krause, G. A.; Bowman, A. O. Oxford University Press 2005
103 저널기사 Mediation in Situations of Conflict and Limited Commitment 미리보기
Mitusch, K.; Strausz, R. Oxford University Press 2005
104 저널기사 Agency Problems and the Corporate Charter 미리보기
Mayers, D.; Smith, C. W. Oxford University Press 2005
105 저널기사 The Curley Effect: The Economics of Shaping the Electorate 미리보기
Glaeser, E. L. Oxford University Press 2005
106 저널기사 Strategic Plaintiffs and Ideological Judges in Telecommunications Litigation 미리보기
de Figueiredo, J. M. Oxford University Press 2005
107 저널기사 The Scope of Open Source Licensing 미리보기
Lerner, J. Oxford University Press 2005
108 저널기사 Dominant Investors and Strategic Transparency 미리보기
Perotti, E. C. Oxford University Press 2005
109 저널기사 Understanding MACs: Moral Hazard in Acquisitions 미리보기
Gilson, R. J.; Schwartz, A. Oxford University Press 2005
110 저널기사 An Examination of the Presence of Ownership Effects in Mixed Markets 미리보기
Ballou, J. P. Oxford University Press 2005
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