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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
21 저널기사 Bank-moneylender linkage as an alternative to bank competition in rural credit markets 미리보기
Varghese, A. Oxford University Press 2005
22 저널기사 General human capital and employment adjustment in the Great Depression: apprentices and journeymen in UK engineering 미리보기
Hart, R. A. Oxford University Press 2005
23 저널기사 Optimal monetary policy with heterogeneous agents: a case for inflation 미리보기
Palivos, T. Oxford University Press 2005
24 저널기사 Endogenous credit-card acceptance in a model of precautionary demand for money 미리보기
Masters, A.; Rodriguez-Reyes, L. R. Oxford University Press 2005
25 저널기사 Growth, cycles, and stabilization policy 미리보기
Blackburn, K.; Pelloni, A. Oxford University Press 2005
26 저널기사 Special Issue in Economic History 미리보기
unknown Oxford University Press 2005
27 저널기사 Addendum: Gender discrimination and intergenerational transmission of preferences 미리보기
Escriche, L.; Olcina, G.; Sanchez, R. Oxford University Press 2005
28 저널기사 A Nonequilibrium Analysis of Unanimity Rule, Majority Rule, and Pareto 미리보기
Dougherty, K. L.; Edward, J. Oxford University Press 2005
29 저널기사 The Effect of Youth Alcohol Initiation on High School Completion 미리보기
Koch, S. F.; McGeary, K. A. Oxford University Press 2005
30 저널기사 Modeling, Evaluation, and Methodology in the New Century 미리보기
Granger, C. W. Oxford University Press 2005
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