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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
51 저널기사 The Function of Trade Unions 미리보기
Ewing, K. D. Oxford University Press 2005
52 저널기사 The ‘modern’ view of macroeconomics: some critical reflections 미리보기
Palacio-Vera, A. Oxford University Press 2005
53 저널기사 The Legal and Regulatory Response to Solicitors Involved in Serious Fraud 미리보기
Middleton, D. J. Oxford University Press 2005
54 저널기사 Animal Cruelty: Pathway to Violence Against People. By Linda Merz-Perez and Kathleen M. Heide (Walnut Creek, CA: Alta Mira Press, 2004, 21.00 pb) 미리보기
Smith-Harris, T. Oxford University Press 2005
55 저널기사 Researching Gender Violence: Feminist Methodology in Action. Edited by Tina Skinner, Marianne Hester and Ellen Malos (Devon: Willan Publishing, 2005, 240pp. 40.00 hb) 미리보기
Aliverti, A. J. Oxford University Press 2005
56 저널기사 Silently Silenced: Essays on the Creation of Acquiescence in Modern Society. By T. Mathiesen (Winchester: Waterside Press, 2004, 116pp. 14.50 pb)Death at the Hands of the State. By D. Wilson (London: Howard League, 143pp. 12.95 pb) 미리보기
Carlen, P. Oxford University Press 2005
57 저널기사 It's Not Who You Know-It's What You Know About People You Don't Know That Counts 미리보기
Chattoe, E.; Hamill, H. Oxford University Press 2005
58 저널기사 Hate Crime and the Image of the Stranger 미리보기
Mason, G. Oxford University Press 2005
59 저널기사 Comparative Criminal Justice Policy-Making in the United States and the United Kingdom 미리보기
Jones, T.; Newburn, T. Oxford University Press 2005
60 저널기사 Deadly Force, Colonialism and the Rule of Law: Police Violence in Guyana. By Joan R. Mars (Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 2003, 207pp. 45.00 hb) 미리보기
Cain, M. Oxford University Press 2005
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