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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
31 저널기사 Testing the Purchasing Power Parity Through I(2) Cointegration Techniques 미리보기
Bacchiocchi, E.; Fanelli, L. WILEY 2005
32 저널기사 Valuation Ratios and Long-Horizon Stock Price Predictability 미리보기
Rapach, D. E.; Wohar, M. E. WILEY 2005
33 저널기사 Distribution Approximations for Cointegration Tests with Stationary Exogenous Regressors 미리보기
Boswijk, H. P.; Doornik, J. A. WILEY 2005
34 저널기사 Validating Multiple Structural Change Models - A Case Study 미리보기
Zeileis, A.; Kleiber, C. WILEY 2005
35 저널기사 Semiparametric Bayesian Inference in Multiple Equation Models 미리보기
Koop, G.; Poirier, D. J.; Tobias, J. WILEY 2005
36 저널기사 Walk or Wait? An Empirical Analysis of Street Crossing Decisions 미리보기
Das, S.; Manski, C. F.; Manuszak, M. D. WILEY 2005
37 저널기사 Counterfactual Decomposition of Changes in Wage Distributions Using Quantile Regression 미리보기
Machado, J. A. F.; Mata, J. WILEY 2005
38 저널기사 Inefficiency and Heterogeneity in Turkish Banking: 1990-2000 미리보기
El-Gamal, M. A.; Inanoglu, H. WILEY 2005
39 저널기사 Markov Switching Causality and the Money-Output Relationship 미리보기
Psaradakis, Z.; Ravn, M. O.; Sola, M. WILEY 2005
40 저널기사 Principal Components at Work: The Empirical Analysis of Monetary Policy with Large Data Sets 미리보기
Favero, C. A.; Marcellino, M.; Neglia, F. WILEY 2005
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