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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
41 저널기사 Generalized System of Preferences in General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade/World Trade Organization History and Current Issues 미리보기
dos Santos, N. B.; Farias, R.; Cunha, R. Werner Pub. 2005
42 저널기사 The 10 Major Problems With the Anti-Dumping Instrument in Indonesia 미리보기
Bundjamin, E. Werner Pub. 2005
43 저널기사 Turning Hills into Mountains? Current Commitments Under the General Agreement on Trade in Services and Prospects for Change 미리보기
Adlung, R.; Roy, M. Werner Pub. 2005
44 저널기사 A Comprehensive Survey of Nepalese Legislation Affecting Foreign Trade in Goods 미리보기
Karky, R. B. Werner Pub. 2005
45 저널기사 The 10 Major Problems With the Anti-Dumping Instrument in the Peoples Republic of China 미리보기
Yu, T. Werner Pub. 2005
46 저널기사 Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures Need for Clarification and Improvement 미리보기
Hoda, A.; Ahuja, R. Werner Pub. 2005
47 저널기사 Telecoms Regulation in Developing Countries Attracting Investment into the Sector. Ghana - A Case Study 미리보기
Bodammer, I.; Pirie, M. F.; Addy-Nayo, C. Werner Pub. 2005
48 저널기사 The Efficacy of World Trade Organization Rules on Sanitary Barriers Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy in North America 미리보기
Loppacher, L. J.; Kerr, W. A. Werner Pub. 2005
49 저널기사 Mainstreaming Development in the World Trade Organization 미리보기
Ismail, F. Werner Pub. 2005
50 저널기사 Regulating the Use of Voluntary Environmental Standards Within the World Trade Organization Legal Regime Making a Case for Developing Countries 미리보기
Gandhi, S. R. Werner Pub. 2005
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