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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Management]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
51 저널기사 The value of financial freedom and ownership in opportunities of entrepreneurial harvest 미리보기
Neves, J. C. unknown 2005
52 저널기사 The Tacit Knowledge Flow of R&D Personnel and Its Impact on R&D Performance 미리보기
Huang, S. C.-T.; Liu, T.-C.; Warden, C. A. unknown 2005
53 저널기사 Comparative Analysis on an International Survey of ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 Certification 미리보기
Pan, J.-N. unknown 2005
54 저널기사 Small- and medium-sized enterprises in Latvian: economical and social aspects 미리보기
Actina, G.; Zeltina, L.; Zeltins, N. unknown 2005
55 저널기사 Relationship between entrepreneurial learning, entrepreneurial competencies and venture success: empirical study on SMEs 미리보기
Priyanto, S. H.; Sandjojo, I. unknown 2005
56 저널기사 Exploring the role of entrepreneurial characteristics in determining the economic growth potential of an innovation 미리보기
Carswell, P.; Gunaratne, K. A. unknown 2005
57 저널기사 Small and middle enterprises development in Central and Eastern European countries 미리보기
Michna, J.; Kalka, M. unknown 2005
58 저널기사 On the explanation of horizontal, vertical and cross-sector R&D partnerships - evidence for the German industrial sector 미리보기
Backes-Gellner, U.; Maass, F.; Werner, A. unknown 2005
59 저널기사 Customers as predictors of rent returns to innovation in small firms: an exploratory study 미리보기
Mazzarol, T.; Reboud, S. unknown 2005
60 저널기사 Community banks in Australia: an innovative approach to social and economic wealth creation? 미리보기
Byrne, G.; Rogers, M.; Jobling, E.; Walker, R. H.; Johnson, L. W. unknown 2005
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