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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
71 저널기사 A Case Study of Foreign Direct Investment by Taiwanese Firms and Migration of Industrial Network 미리보기
Tseng, C.-H. unknown 2005
72 저널기사 Fuzzy Resource Constrained Scheduling Problem on Two Batch Processing Machines 미리보기
Harikrishnan, K. K.; Ishii, H. unknown 2005
73 저널기사 An Exploratory Study in the Relationship between Outpatient Satisfaction with Service Attitudes and Health Care Providers' Job Satisfaction in Taipei Public Hospitals 미리보기
Tzeng, H.-M.; Yang, C.-H. unknown 2005
74 저널기사 An Interactive Fuzzy Satisficing Method for Multiobjective Stochastic Integer Programming Problems through a Probability Maximization Model 미리보기
Perkgoz, C.; Sakawa, M.; Kato, K.; Katagiri, H. unknown 2005
75 저널기사 The Role of Trust in Customer Relationship Management: An Example to Financial Services Industry 미리보기
Law, M.; Wong, Y. H.; Lau, T. unknown 2005
76 저널기사 Pricing Model in Retailers 미리보기
Konn, T.; Ishii, H. unknown 2005
77 저널기사 Executive Financial Information System Development and Implementation: Case Study on a Taiwanese IC Design Firm 미리보기
Liao, S.-H.; Lu, S.-l. unknown 2005
78 저널기사 A Study on the Effect of Agent's Utility Based on Hogg-Huberman Model in Multi-agent Systems 미리보기
Shibata, J.; Sakawa, M.; Kato, K.; Katagiri, H. unknown 2005
79 저널기사 Interactive Fuzzy Programming for Two-level Nonlinear Integer Programming Problems through Genetic Algorithms 미리보기
Azad, M. A. K.; Sakawa, M.; Kato, K.; Katagiri, H. unknown 2005
80 저널기사 Discrete Optimal Testing/Maintenance Policy in a Software Development Project 미리보기
Rinsaka, K.; Dohi, T. unknown 2005
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