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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Management]
87건 중 87건 출력
3/9 페이지 엑셀파일 출력


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
21 저널기사 The diversified business group as an innovative organisational model for large state-enterprise reform in China and Vietnam 미리보기
Abegaz, B. unknown 2005
22 저널기사 Three Mechanisms to Enter Under-Developed Markets: The Case of Investment on Mongolian Market by Korean Firms 미리보기
Cho, D.; Lee, Y.; Yang, J. unknown 2005
23 저널기사 Price Volatility, Trading Activity and Market Depth: Evidence from Taiwan and Singapore Taiwan Stock Index Futures Markets 미리보기
Kuo, W.-H.; Hsu, H.; Chiang, C.-Y. unknown 2005
24 저널기사 Editorial: Development problems of small and medium enterprises in Central and East Europe 미리보기
Stania, A. unknown 2005
25 저널기사 The Roles of Market Competition and Advanced Manufacturing Technology in Predicting Management Accounting and Control Systems Change 미리보기
Isa, C. R.; Foong, S.-Y.; Sambasivan, M. unknown 2005
26 저널기사 Testing a Joint Moderator of Ego Strength and Ethical Climate: A Study of the Process of Peer Reporting Intentions in IT Ethics 미리보기
Lin, C.-P.; Tang, L.-L.; Chiu, Y.-B.; Hsiao, C. Y. unknown 2005
27 저널기사 Programmes supporting small- and medium-sized enterprises in the Czech Republic 미리보기
Poucek, J.; Wilda, V. unknown 2005
28 저널기사 The role of the Network Lead Company in integrating the NPD process across strategic partners 미리보기
Badir, Y. F.; Buchel, B.; Tucci, C. L. unknown 2005
29 저널기사 An Empirical Test of the Relationship of Environmental Management and Stakeholders: A Study of Manufacturers at Taiwan 미리보기
Huang, Y.-C. unknown 2005
30 저널기사 Managing Distance in a Global Virtual Team: The Evolution of Trust Through Technology-Mediated Relational Communication 미리보기
Henttonen, K.; Blomqvist, K. unknown 2005
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