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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
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2005 삭제


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
121 저널기사 Agricultural policy uncertainty and farm level adjustments-the case of direct payments and incentives for farmland investment 미리보기
Lagerkvist, C. J. Mouton 2005
122 저널기사 Effects of EU dairy policy reform for Dutch dairy farming: a primal approach using GMM estimation 미리보기
Ooms, D. L.; Peerlings, J. H. Mouton 2005
123 저널기사 Agriculture in Transition: Land Policies and Evolving Farm Structures in Post-Soviet Countries 미리보기
Rizov, M. Mouton 2005
124 저널기사 Damage control inputs: a comparison of conventional and organic farming systems 미리보기
Zhengfei, G.; Lansink, A. O.; Wossink, A.; Huirne, R. Mouton 2005
125 저널기사 An information economic rationale for cooperatives 미리보기
Bogetoft, P. Mouton 2005
126 저널기사 The Siting of Livestock Facilities and Environmental Regulations 미리보기
Weersink, A.; Eveland, C. Canadian Agricultural Economics and Farm Management Society 2005
127 저널기사 The road from Doha to Hong Kong in the WTO agricultural negotiations: a developing country perspective 미리보기
Matthews, A. Mouton 2005
128 저널기사 Labelling Genetically Modified Food: Heterogeneous Consumer Preferences and the Value of Information 미리보기
Hu, W.; Veeman, M. M.; Adamowicz, W. L. Canadian Agricultural Economics and Farm Management Society 2005
129 저널기사 Seeds of growth? Agricultural productivity and the transitional dynamics of the Ramsey model 미리보기
Irz, X. Mouton 2005
130 저널기사 Agriculture and the food industry in the information age 미리보기
Verbeke, W. Mouton 2005
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