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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
11 저널기사 Effects of decoupling on the mean and variability of output 미리보기
Serra, T.; Zilberman, D.; Goodwin, B. K.; Featherstone, A. Mouton 2006
12 저널기사 Setting priorities in farm animal conservation choices-expert opinion and revealed policy preferences 미리보기
Fadlaoui, A.; Roosen, J.; Baret, P. V. Mouton 2006
13 저널기사 A short-run Johansen industry model for common-pool resources: planning a fishery's industrial capacity to curb overfishing 미리보기
Kerstens, K.; Vestergaard, N.; Squires, D. Mouton 2006
14 저널기사 The 2005 WTO arbitration and the new EU import regime for bananas: a cut too far? 미리보기
Anania, G. Mouton 2006
15 저널기사 Modelling the EU sugar supply to assess sectoral policy reforms 미리보기
Gohin, A.; Bureau, J. C. Mouton 2006
16 저널기사 Do consumers value nutritional labels? 미리보기
Loureiro, M. L.; Gracia, A.; Nayga, R. M. Mouton 2006
17 저널기사 Food scares, market power and price transmission: the UK BSE crisis 미리보기
Lloyd, T. A.; McCorriston, S.; Morgan, C. W.; Rayner, A. J. Mouton 2006
18 저널기사 Multinational Agribusinesses Ruth Rama (ed.) 미리보기
Lambert, R. Mouton 2006
19 저널기사 The return to Australian fine wine 미리보기
Fogarty, J. J. Mouton 2006
20 저널기사 Harmonisation of food regulations and trade in the Single Market: evidence from disaggregated data 미리보기
de Frahan, B. H.; Vancauteren, M. Mouton 2006
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