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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
11 저널기사 Exchange rate regimes and national price levels 미리보기
Broda, C. North-Holland 2006
12 저널기사 Peer review policy for the Journal of International Economics 미리보기
unknown North-Holland 2006
13 저널기사 Tariff and tax reform: Dynamic implications 미리보기
Naito, T. North-Holland 2006
14 저널기사 International mergers: Incentives and welfare 미리보기
Qiu, L. D.; Zhou, W. North-Holland 2006
15 저널기사 Using survey data to assess the distributional effects of trade policy 미리보기
Porto, G. G. North-Holland 2006
16 저널기사 Book reviews 미리보기
Neary, J. P. North-Holland 2006
17 저널기사 Fixed exchange rates and trade 미리보기
Klein, M. W.; Shambaugh, J. C. North-Holland 2006
18 저널기사 Relative price volatility under Sudden Stops: The relevance of balance sheet effects 미리보기
Calvo, G. A.; Izquierdo, A.; Loo-Kung, R. North-Holland 2006
19 저널기사 Country spreads and emerging countries: Who drives whom? 미리보기
Uribe, M. n.; Yue, V. Z. North-Holland 2006
20 저널기사 The economics of microfinance 미리보기
Martinez Peria, M. S. North-Holland 2006
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