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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
284건 중 284건 출력
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
91 저널기사 Transition economies and trust building: a network perspective on EU enlargement 미리보기
van Ees, H.; Bachmann, R. Oxford University Press 2006
92 저널기사 Keynesian theorising during hard times: stock-flow consistent models as an unexplored `frontier' of Keynesian macroeconomics 미리보기
Dos Santos, C. H. Oxford University Press 2006
93 저널기사 Dealing with the Duhem-Quine thesis in financial economics: can causal holism help? 미리보기
McGovern, S. Oxford University Press 2006
94 저널기사 Work for all those who want it? Why the neoclassical labour supply curve is an inappropriate foundation for the theory of employment and unemployment 미리보기
Spencer, D. A. Oxford University Press 2006
95 저널기사 Keynes's theory of liquidity preference and his debt management and monetary policies 미리보기
Tily, G. Oxford University Press 2006
96 저널기사 An empirical investigation of paradoxes: reswitching and reverse capital deepening in capital theory 미리보기
Han, Z.; Schefold, B. Oxford University Press 2006
97 저널기사 On Sraffas Standard commodity: is its price invariant with respect to changes in income distribution? 미리보기
Baldone, S. Oxford University Press 2006
98 저널기사 Out in the cold? Iceland's trade performance outside the European Union and European Monetary Union 미리보기
Breedon, F.; Petursson, T. G. Oxford University Press 2006
99 저널기사 Price expectations, capital accumulation and employment: Lindahls macroeconomics from the 1920s to the 1950s 미리보기
Boianovsky, M.; Trautwein, H. M. Oxford University Press 2006
100 저널기사 Summary of an Address by Lord Keynes to the Political Economy Club, Trinity College, Cambridge on the 2nd February 1946 미리보기
Lloyd, I. Oxford University Press 2006
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