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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
21 저널기사 Why Do Entrepreneurs Enter Politics? Evidence from China 미리보기
Li, H.; Meng, L.; Zhang, J. Oxford University Press 2006
22 저널기사 Do EPA Defendants Prefer Republicans? Evidence from the 2000 Election 미리보기
Hughes, P. Oxford University Press 2006
23 저널기사 Health Care, Insurance, and the Contract Choice Effect 미리보기
Dusansky, R.; Koc, C. Oxford University Press 2006
24 저널기사 Velocity Futures Markets: Does the Fed Need a Structural Model? 미리보기
Jackson, A. L.; Sumner, S. Oxford University Press 2006
25 저널기사 Smoke-Free Air Laws, Cigarette Prices, and Adult Cigarette Demand 미리보기
Tauras, J. A. Oxford University Press 2006
26 저널기사 How Important are Capital and Total Factor Productivity for Economic Growth? 미리보기
Baier, S. L.; Dwyer, G. P.; Tamura, R. Oxford University Press 2006
27 저널기사 Poverty, Prices, and Place: How Sensitive is the Spatial Distribution of Poverty to Cost of Living Adjustments? 미리보기
Jolliffe, D. Oxford University Press 2006
28 저널기사 Unemployment and Other Measures of Labor Market Inefficiency: A Comparison of U.K. and U.S. Labor Markets 1931-96 미리보기
Bender, K. A.; Neumann, R. M.; Skatun, J. D. Oxford University Press 2006
29 저널기사 Communication and Incentive Mechanisms Based on Group Performance: An Experimental Study of Nonpoint Pollution Control 미리보기
Vossler, C. A.; Poe, G. L.; Schulze, W. D.; Segerson, K. Oxford University Press 2006
30 저널기사 Has the Internet Increased Trade? Developed and Developing Country Evidence 미리보기
Clarke, G. R.; Wallsten, S. J. Oxford University Press 2006
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